Introduction: What is MBTI?
To many people’s surprise, I will often go up to them and suddenly pop this question with eagerness and without context: “Hey, so what’s your MBTI"?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a popular self-report questionnaire grouping you into 1 of 16 personality types. These 16 types help to group respondents by their psychological inclinations and behaviour patterns.
So if you want a topic to break the ice and get to know new people better or maybe just to find out more about yourself, this article can be your idiot’s guide! 🤓
That said, it is important to note that the questionnaire should not be seen as the holy grail and taken with a pinch of salt. It is important to acknowledge that each individual is unique. Individuals all have their own set of personal experiences and backgrounds that have resulted in making them who they are today.
Why is MBTI useful for you?
Firstly, your MBTI can help you gauge your strengths and weaknesses so you can better learn about yourself and see what sort of abilities you may be stronger in. Likewise for your friends you can estimate their strengths and weaknesses, helping you to learn more about the people you care about or are getting to know.
Moreover, MBTI has benefitted schools and businesses as a yardstick for career exploration as well. By gauging what your strengths are, it helps to predict what sort of jobs you will excel in or be likely to be passionate in!
MBTI enthusiasts have also used MBTI types to predict the romantic and friendship compatibility between people.
As mentioned earlier, when you are learning about the different types of MBTI and the unique traits associated with them, it is likely that the description is not going to be 100% representative of you and someone else of the same personality type.
Hence the test will just serve to show that people of these types are inclined to have such traits. The test is all in good fun too of course!
Complete some of the free MBTI tests available online
Now before reading on about the fascinating world of MBTI, have you done an MBTI test before?
There are many free MBTI tests out there free for you to do! In order to get an accurate MBTI test result, it is recommended that you do multiple tests and see if there is an MBTI type that keeps occurring for you.
Once you’re done with the test, scroll down below to find out more about your MBTI!
Here are several tests you can use:
Human Metrics https://www.humanmetrics.com/personality
Crystal https://www.crystalknows.com/jung-myers-and-briggs-personality-test
Keys2Cognition http://keys2cognition.com/explore.htm
IDRlabs https://www.idrlabs.com/test.php
16 Personalities https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
Truity https://www.truity.com/test/type-finder-personality-test-new
The eight traits
You may be wondering, why are there 16 different MBTI types? There are a total of eight different traits under four distinct categories. One letter from each category is used to produce a four-letter result, giving you your MBTI type. For example, “ENFJ”
Note that the traits are not independent of one another and a person can still exhibit traits from the opposite trait. Think of the category as more of like a spectrum. A good example would be how certain people are ambiverts, possessing a mix of introversion and extroversion qualities.
Yet people can also sway strongly toward one trait more than the other. This is reflected in the percentage scoring you receive after the MBTI test which tells you how much of a percentage you are of each trait.
Below is a summary of what each trait is along with their respectively.
1. Extroverts (E) vs Introverts (I)
This spectrum measures how one views other people.
Extraverted people are often viewed as friendly and outgoing and people who tend to have wide social circles. They are comfortable in group settings and enjoy working with and meeting new people. However, in their excitement, they may also tend to head into social activities without taking the time to think it over.
Introverted people enjoy their alone time and tend to prefer to have a few close friends. They are comfortable being alone and enjoy doing things by themselves. They may be more anxious, worried and self-conscious when meeting with people especially if they are new.
2. Sensing (S) vs Intuitive (N)
This spectrum measures how one processes information.
Sensing people are more in tune with reality and their five senses. They like to be in the moment, view things as they see them and believe more in their personal experiences above all.
Intuitive people enjoy looking at the big picture rather than focusing on specific details. They are often searching for deeper meaning beyond the face value and are good at finding connections.
3. Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F)
This spectrum measures how one makes choices.
Thinking people tend to make decisions using rationality and facts. They prefer logic over feelings to solve problems. They enjoy work requiring critical thinking and analysis. They are usually blunt and straight forward given their priority over logic instead of people and feelings.
Feeling people like to make decisions using their own morals and feelings. Relationships and friendships tend to be important to them and they tend to want to know more about others. Given this, they get frustrated by disharmony and people who are insensitive to the feelings of others.
4. Judging (J) vs Perceiving (P)
This spectrum measures how one organizes their life.
Judging people enjoy structure, planning and organization such as schedules, deadlines and to-do lists. They enjoy planning and deciding goals for the short term and long term. They like to make a Plan B for their plan A too. They take due dates for tasks and responsibilities very seriously. They can struggle with flexibility and have work now play later mentality.
Perceiving people like to go with the flow and love the flexibility. They tend to be relaxed and can adapt to situations and events easily. They dislike routine and enjoy new experiences. Often their mentality is to play now, and work later. This may cause people to view them as unreliable at times but their spontaneous nature is cherished.
The four groupings
The 16 personality types are also classified into four broader groups. This is for greater simplicity as well as to reflect the common traits MBTI types share with one another.
These are:
Analysts (Intuitive)(Thinking)
Diplomats (Intuitive)(Feeling)
Sentinels (Sensing)(Thinking)
Explorers (Sensing)(Perceiving)
1. Analysts
Analysts (ENTP,INTP,ENTJ,INTJ) share the Intuitive(N) and thinking(T) traits
Analysts tend to be fond of rationality. Their thinking trait makes them people who make decisions based less on emotions and more on intelligent thinking. In short, their brain directs them and not their gut.
Their intuitive side causes analysts to hold fascinating and vivid imaginations and ingenuity. They also especially love to deep dive into topics or interests.
Summary of INTP

Seemingly quiet on the outside, INTP types often have a great intellectuality. They are known to be quick-witted and incredibly logical. While they are thinking, they love to find connections in the world around them, storing bits of information they gather to form thoughtfully crafted conclusions and personal opinions.
As they crave to understand things, they tend to be objective as they want nothing but hard truths. Whatever they are passionate about, they become incredibly enthusiastic and thrilled to talk about.
Careers suited for INTP include computer programming, game designing and finance.
Summary of ENTP

The ENTP type will hate to miss an opportunity where they can gain more knowledge and loves discussing abstract ideas. They are incredibly fast thinkers and crave originality. Therefore, they love inventing creative and innovative ideas!
They wouldn’t turn down a chance to problem solve, especially when it involves having to crack an issue within a system. ENTPs are confident word-smiths with a sharp wit and thus people tend to view ENTPs as alluring and engaging.
Careers suited for ENTPs include architecture, engineering and advertising.
Summary of INTJ

INTJs are able to see every new problem they face as a chance to improve their rational thinking and their knowledge. They would not want to base their decisions on gut feelings or assumptions but inform their decision-making and opinions after careful research and analysis.
They value decision-making and enjoy doing things their way. INTJs are very ambitious and known to set goals and will stick to pursuing them. INTJs are often sceptical of ideas and information at face value and enjoy questioning ideas and looking at the counter-side to things.
Careers suited for the INTJ include accountancy, logistics and financial advising.
Summary of ENTJ

The ENTJ makes for a great leader and has wonderful confidence and charm. They hate inefficient methods and practices as they hope to maximise their available time and energy. ENTJs gain energy from leading people and helping them work together towards a common goal, hoping to also inspire and enliven the people they lead.
They believe in themselves and rarely doubt their own abilities, hence why they chose to lead their packs. They do not give up easily and will troubleshoot problems in whichever different possibilities could occur given their strategic minds.
Careers suited for the ENTJ include law, sales and entrepreneurship.
2. Diplomats
The diplomats (INFJ, ENFJ, INFP, ENFP) all share the intuitive (N) and feeling (F) traits.
Diplomats tend to enjoy caring for others. Diplomats are generous with what they have be it time or possessions. As the name suggests, they are good at handling disputes, tackling them such that others are unlikely to be upset or angered.
They especially value harmony, hoping everyone can work together without any drama. They usually have a great sense of empathy and an ability to pick up on other people’s emotions. They seek a deeper meaning in the world around them as well and hate superficial experiences.
Summary of INFJ

Many know the INFJ to be the rarest personality type. However, there is more to the INFJs than just that fact. INFJs are wonderfully creative and love it when they are given a platform or opportunity to showcase their creative works and themselves.
They dislike shallow relationships and things at the surface level. Often they seek a deeper meaning in life and cherish close friendships rather than short encounters with people. They may seem mysterious at first but will eventually open up to the people they care about and trust. INFJs, given their approachable and generous nature, enjoy socializing but need some time alone afterwards in order to recharge.
Careers suited for the INFJ include music, psychology and teaching.
Summary of ENFJ

ENFJs are often seen as charming and friendly people who are big empathisers. ENFJs tend to envision an ideal world and are driven to do what will help humanity. They love to see the potential and good in people.
ENFJs feel that they should help to improve the world and make it better. They can be incredibly optimistic and are the sort who will see a glass of water as half filled rather than half empty. They hate to let people down and rarely back down on promises and responsibilities they have made.
Careers suited for the ENFJ include social work, writing and career counselling.
Summary of INFP

INFPs are generous and love to share and cheer people up when they are down. They love to daydream and think up different ideas, making them incredibly creative. INFPs hence are the sort of people who hope to make sure other people are seen and heard given their incredible empathy.
Often INFPs are thoughtful of the needs of others and are seen as kindhearted souls. They hate the idea of hurting someone’s feelings. They are usually compassionate and accepting people and rarely are they judgmental about another person’s opinions or beliefs. Hence, many turn to INFPs if they wish to rant or talk to someone.
Careers suited for the INFP include art, physical rehabilitation and counselling.
Summary of ENFP

ENFPs love to go with the flow and be spontaneous. As open-minded people, ENFPs can find beauty everywhere they go. They love a new adventure and trying new things to enjoy more of what good things the world has to offer.
They believe that everyone is important and hence are greatly sensitive to the needs and emotions of other people. They love listening to people from all walks of life and having conversations. Many see the ENFP as someone who is warm and easy going hence many think the ENFP is someone one can approach.
Careers suited for the ENFP include sales, social work and photography.
3. Sentinels
The sentinels (ESFJ, ESTJ, ISFJ, ISTJ) all share the sensing (S) and judging (J) traits.
Given these traits, sentinels tend to want peace and harmony as well as security. Sentinels are usually practical people who are realistic and in tune with reality. They are very goal-oriented, making them hard workers.
They tend to not be as imaginative but rather love rules and tradition. Incredibly practical, they are very valuable, especially in organizations. Their care for others often comes in acts of service given their practical nature.
Summary of ESFJ

The ESFJ has great practicality, enjoying keeping to their routine and finishing their tasks. They are organised and responsible but most importantly, they are very caring people. They love to meet others and befriend them.
They hope for peace and to make sure everyone is taken care of. They treasure stability and security in life, hence will make sure others can rely on them in daily life and be there for their friends and family.
Careers suited for the ESFJ include childcare, healthcare and the police force.
Summary of ISFJ

The ISFJ is known to be a very reliable person and will make sure things are completed with all the details in order. They value teamwork rather than going against one another, hoping that with others they can mutually support one another.
The ISFJ also tends to be greatly observant of the world around them and notice details especially when it comes to people be it what they say or in their actions. Such observance helps the ISFJ pick up on people’s lives and their emotions. The ISFJ also are practical and hopes to help the people they care about.
Careers suited for the ISFJ include social work, medicine and nursing.
Summary of ESTJ

The ESTJ is often dedicated and will not leave a task unfinished. They won’t give up on something they have set their mind to so easily. The ESTJ prefers facts rather than ideas. They enjoy bluntness and appreciate honesty hence tend to be direct with people.
The ESTJ loves calm and order and thus loves to set rules and designate specific roles. They will set clear expectations from people and like to distribute tasks with fairness. With their great willpower, they love to stand up for what they believe even though there may be opposition Given their responsible nature, they tend to be dependable on their family and friends.
Careers suited for the ESTJ include hospitality, sales and real estate.
Summary of ISTJ

The ISTJ loves to collate knowledge and enjoys statistics and factual evidence rather than abstract concepts. They tend to be calm and collected people as they believe this is practical given that being temperamental and emotional would be inefficient and ineffective.
The ISTJ hopes to be effective in what field they chose or whatever goal they set their mind to, believing this can only be achieved when there is peace and order. They believe they should always complete what they set out to do, making them very dependable.
Careers suited for the ISTJ include finances, the military and the police force.
4. Explorers
The explorer types (ESTP, ESFP, ISFP, ISTP) share the sensing(S) and perceiving traits(P).
Given these traits, the explorer types are often excitable and adventurous people. They love thrilling activities and new experiences and love to be spontaneous. They love to pick up new interests and try new things and like being in the moment.
They love to look at the big picture rather than obsess over the small details. They also enjoy picking up a range of new skills which will be useful to them.
Summary of ESFP

The ESFP loves to try everything and take part in whatever life throws at them. They enjoy expressing themselves through things like their fashion, their work and their words. They love entertaining others with their humour and charm and enjoy making people smile.
They appreciate being in the present and are attuned to the world around them thus can pick up on details and observe people’s behaviour. Witty and talkative, the ESFP has great social skills and their happiness often comes from spending quality time with the people they care about and enjoy spending time with.
Careers suited for the ESFP include event planning, music and fashion.
Summary of ESTP

The ESTP is usually known to be energetic and lively. They love to learn and will gather knowledge but mainly that of which they will be able to make use of and take action. ESTPs often come off as blunt people.
They are also incredibly observant and will pick up on other people’s shifts in behaviour or emotions. Such observational skills help them to be good friends who notice when things are amiss. The ESTP also are incredibly sociable and have a talent for making use of their interactions with people to network.
Careers suited for ESTP entrepreneurship include sports, entrepreneurship and hospitality.
Summary of ISTP

The ISTP type is often cheerful and easy-going. When it comes to hands-on work such as crafts and engineering, the ISTP is often very creative as they love to try and gain practical experience and love the hands-on approach.
They are rational side along with their flexible nature, makes them able to approach and apply their knowledge to different situations easily. During unexpected emergency situations, the logic and flexibility of the ISTP make them great at handling the situation calmly. Always an optimist, it is rare to see the ISTP worry or stressing out.
Careers suited for the ISTP include mechanics, engineering and environmental science.
Summary of ISFP

The ISFP type is often relaxed and easygoing. They’re well-liked as they believe in embracing the different lives of others even if they don’t live similar lives to them. They are more sensitive to the emotions of others and are able to empathise with them.
The ISFP loves to be creative and make things which will resonate with others. While they seem shy and reserved on the outside, on the inside they are usually incredibly passionate about whatever they are interested in. They tend to be creative and have a knack for seeing things and interpreting them in a creative and beautiful light.
Careers suited for ISFP include food and beverage, art and education.
Go forth with your new MBTI expertise!
And with that, this is the end of the short summary guide on MBTI! Hopefully, you have gained a little something and learned something new about yourself.
This article was just an introduction to the MBTI topic and if you wish to deep dive, there are many websites and YouTube videos out there that greater delve into the individual MBTI types. We would love to hear which MBTI type you got and which characteristics you feel describes you!
I am an ENFJ by the way!