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Introducing: CNM Types! (Part VI)

Arnest Lim

The new semester brings with it fresh additions to our team, so please welcome our five new writers joining CNM Types!


hello! I’m Ashley, a y2 cnm & psych student :) I enjoy writing because I see it as an outlet to express myself and my thoughts. My friends would describe me to be freakishly obsessed with monkeys and capybaras :o I have this bad habit of switching hobbies very quickly, but some of the hobbies that stuck with me would be cycling, baking, beading, painting, visiting museums, and being one with nature. In the 11 years of playing netball, I found my own style and sense of the game, and I hope that just like in writing, I can try out different styles and find one that resonates with me :) I look forward to sharing my stories with you!

Hello, I'm Huey Sze, a final year student in CNM with a double degree in Biz :) As I approach The Quarter-life Crisis (TM), I find myself contemplating a lot about what life means to me and how to be a better person in this world. I enjoy reading and getting insights into people's perspectives of life and reflecting upon my own, and I hope to be able to share some of these reflections with you in CNM types! Outside of writing (a skill I'd like to do more frequently), I'm probably trying to

speedrun the latest online courses I found on Coursera/Udemy (not sponsored), finding a full-time job or playing the violin or piano.

Hello! I am Kelley and I am a Y1 CNM Major. I tune in to video essays on Youtube in the morning when I get ready for the day and enjoy exploring underrated spots in Singapore in my free time. I also like visiting cafes with friends where I never fail to get an iced chocolate because I don't drink coffee. I decided to join CNM types in order to explore article writing and meet like-minded who are passionate about their topics of discussion!

Hi everyone! I am Joelle, a Y2 CNM student. I love trying out new things because it makes my life purposeful. I believe in owning and taking charge of your life! I love occupying my time with many things (contrary to the amt of naps I take in the afternoon), especially hanging out with loved ones & my favourite activity to do with people is eating good food like hotpot and kbbq <3 && also doing therapeutic things like art and craft! I also stone a lot because I'm quite a dreamy person… boo… and people sometimes mistake that I'm sad when I'm really just stoning… In my free time, I'm at (hiphop) dance practices :) I am interested in media related fields (hence my course) and journalism has been something I was curious about but never got to do formally (?) so that’s why I decided to join CNM Types! Writing allows me to express myself and I hope to have fun on this journey!

Hey, I'm Zayden, a y1 studying — I hate studying. I like to live slow. You'll find me enjoying long gym sessions, or slow walks by the trees. Other times I'd savor the night scenes, bringing a friend along for portraitures. At times when I'd really wanna slow down and I'd turn to meditation, spiritual texts and writing trying to connect to my true self. In my free time, you'll find me studying my majors' philosophy and sociology :D — *chatgpt write this better please*


And there you have it. Once again, let's welcome our new writers and look forward to our articles that will be published every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday this semester!

For more updates, please follow our very own Instagram page and subscribe to our Telegram channel.

Lastly, a huge thank you to our community of readers who have been supporting us thus far and we hope that our articles will continue to serve as your weekly entertainment or enrichment this semester.


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